Wednesday, April 25

FHA 2012

Food Hotel Asia 2012 was a blast! It wasn't that crowded, but learnt lots and made many friends! The new technology that has been made available to the industry is top-notch!

Here are photos for you guys who didn't attend!
Congratulations Australia for winning the Asian Pastry Competition!
Chocolate sculpture made during the pastry competition

Australia's piece. Look at that goldfish!

Sugar piece

This was the booth I was located at!
(Just to be clear, I don't work at this company)
My working area! That pretty coffee machine *_*

(E:seeeee, that is my eye candy at the back

SO PRETTY. Too bad we don't have patience to do this.
A mountain of macaroons. That should be a collective
term for macaroons; MOUNTAIN

CAKES! We got to try one...wasn't that great

More cakes.

Aren't those the prettiest chocolate

Anyone need pasta?

So pretty, so pretty! Looks like Autumn.

fish cuts.


Wall-E Prototype. They make the same wheel noise.

Our collection of bread. We ate quite a bit of bread too. SO DELICIOUS!

More collection of the food we got to eat. All of it was free!!
It was a great experience! Worked till my whole body begged for mercy and I ate too much gelato cause my booth was beside a gelato stand... So no more please.... Next year will be held in Indonesia. Wonder if we'll get the chance to travel... If not, FHA will be back in Singapore in 2014. Hope to see you all there!

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