Thursday, August 20

Banzai Nippon!

Believe it or not, we're back to blogging. Too much has been going on like E getting married and leaving the Lion City... *starts weeping uncontrollably*. BUT! The show must go on!
I'm amazed once in awhile we still get likes. What is it that attracts you all to us? Is it the hilarious insider view on the FnB industry? Or just the simple food photos? Either way, thank you.

On to the main topic, HOKKAIDO! Now, I have been to Japan a few times already, but you know it's so tiresome to blog. So let's begin.
I'm going to skip all the nitty-gritty, and go straight to what I ate. Japan's cuisine always mesmerizes me because they put so much effort to make everything look so pretty, it is almost an art form. I always joked with everyone that "in Japan, you can't sell it if it's not pretty", which is not far from the truth. 
"Kodawari" a word meaning obsession, perfectionism, passion and determination, is probably the best word to describe how Japanese treat their food. And my oh my, every time I go Japan, it's a treat for the eyes and mouth. Let me show you why...

Hokkaido White Corn
This corn is eaten RAW. It's more like a fruit than a vegetable, I suppose, since it's usually eaten cold and raw. It is crunchy and sweet, like eating an apple actually. You have to bite into one to understand. Please pick one up when you're in Hokkaido!

Other interesting fruits that can be found in Hokkaido is their WHITE CHERRY. Why is everything white you ask? My answer to you is that it doesn't matter, it tastes amazing so just shut up and eat.

White peaches and melon!
Let me tell you that one slice of that melon in Singapore is about $15-$20, depending on the season. I ate it at Hokkaido for $3.

And how can you go to Japan and not eat sashimi?


I must have Ootoro! And of course uni(sea urchin)

There are 3 parts to a tuna; akami, chuutoro and ootoro.
Akami - the normal red meat of the tuna that is usually eaten,
Chuutoro - a little fattier than the akami.
Ootoro - the fattiest part of the tuna, the tuna belly. It melts in your mouth due to the high fat content.

Uni is really expensive outside of Japan and not fresh. The ones I had in Singapore tasted like a wet sponge. :(

Hokkaido's desserts are to die for. Their dairy is sublime. It's creamy and smooth and it doesn't have a strong cow smell. So I believe that even the milk-hating E would enjoy the dairy products in Hokkaido.


Imagine the cheese if the milk is that good!

Other desserts:

That's a real peach and they piped custard into it!
Other Japanese must tries!

Onsen Egg
If you love egg, you have to try this. It's lighter than a poached egg. You eat it with light soy sauce or on top of white rice.
Freshly grilled rice crackers
These are found all over Japan. Rice crackers are best fresh off the grill as the flavours are more intense. Not for the weak teeth!

Japan's finer dining option. Kaiseki is a multi course Japanese meal. Depending on where you go, it is either served all at one go, or the more fine dining ones, serve you one dish at a time. Kaiseki dishes change with the season. They are also served with real leaves and flowers which you can eat! Although they serve it in most parts of Japan,  I recommend you go to Kyoto for the most authentic experience. It is pricey, but hey, if you're on a holiday why not make the most out of it? 
For the most authentic experience, order a sake along with this.

Since I was on a holiday, I had to go to a more tourist-y place. Who doesn't know what Shiroi Kohibito is? That expensive chocolate that everyone gets as a souvenir from Japan (besides the Tokyo Banana)

Shiroi Kohibito Factory Cafe
Hot chocolately goodness with a great view outside, what a time to be alive. They provide orange liqueur to drip into your chocolate if you want.

For the last day I went to Daimaru. I love this place, especially after 5pm when everything is discounted. 

Let me try to walk you through my loot.
Top left: Japanese fishcakes. It's sweet. I can't explain, just go try one when you're in Japan.
Top center: Gyoza.
Center: Chirashi. More sashimi!
Left: I think it was tempura.

More dairy filled desserts please! The one in the bottle is milk pudding. Remember to dig your spoon all the way in when you take a scoop to unleash the caramel at the bottom!

So don't hesitate to book your ticket to the Land of the Rising Sun!


Sorry the photo water marking is a little off. Not sure what E's trying to do.

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