Sunday, February 3

Kith cafe

I always look forward to our quarterly girl's outing. Though not all of us show up all the time, I strongly believe that all of us will make the extra effort to come (er-hem, excuse me if I'm wrong). Planning a dinner date with the girls is always hard as all of us work in different industries with some strange working schedule (of course I am referring to myself :( ). And deciding where to eat is always a chore, AS USUAL. Thankfully, Jayne suggested Kith Cafe and since there is no objection (because nobody else actually have a place in mind), that is where we went.

To be really upfront and straight forward, this is one cafe I would not go back again. Their beverages were average and really blend, nothing special. Food wise....... I believe we can find similar food elsewhere which would actually taste better. I have nothing else to comment and I am really great I had good companion to offset the disappointing meal.

So pictures..

Our appetisers
Some fruit soda... Lacking.... Fruit taste.
J's linguine
Jayne's lasagne
Cheryl's Maninara
Short of one main because I was too engrossed in our conversation and food. For your information, this always happen to J and me. We never remember to take pictures of our food first before tucking in. That is why.... we are BFFs ;)

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