Monday, March 4

Modesto's and Dolce Tokyo

I realise it's a REALLY late Valentine's Day post. But here it is. We had a BFF dinner for Valentine's day on short notice.

Or else....

Anyway, after we have our whole indecisive ritual about where to eat, we decided Modesto's. I've seen it around a lot, especially when E and I used to work together at a certain huge mall. So we've finally got down to trying it.

It's always nice to be served the bread basket, but it would ALWAYS be better if the bread was warm and toasted. Unfortunately this wasn't..... C'mon, just throw it in the oven for a bit.
Bread with Olive Oil.
After glancing over at other tables, I got a bit worried that the portions might be too big, so we shared an appetizer and main course.
Seafood platter

Squid Ink Pasta
Washing it down with beer
For dessert, because we are such failures, we couldn't find a Fruit Paradise which we wanted to eat in Orchard. Did it close? I swear I thought there was one. So after searching high and low, we ended up at Dolce Tokyo.

This is by the people who opened MOF(Ministry of Food) and LENAS.
Chocolate brownie with Gelato
I actually wanted the one with flambe bananas... but they got our order wrong. 

This wasn't a very exciting Valentine's Day for us. But I hope yours went much better!